Summer Mastermind Retreat for Translators & Interpreters

The view from our hotel in Ios, Cyclades, Greece

June 2023 will be remembered as the year of the first Summer Mastermind Retreat for Translators & Interpreters organised by (Virginia Katsimpiri). What a treat!

I might let the pictures speak for themselves before I start describing what an incredible event this was, and what a privilege I had to be part of it…

For few years already, my business coach Virginia Katsimpiri was speaking about the idea of organising a Mastermind Retreat in her homeland, exquisite Greece.

But not just in Greece… in the paradise of the Cyclades islands.

The original idea was a boot camp where translators, interpreters, and other language professionals could meet up, recharge, mingle with colleagues, pick the brains of industry leaders in an informal setting, delight in wholesome activities, such as yoga on the beach, enjoying evening cocktails by the pool, and, of course, eating ALL the Greek food.

After a few months of scouting islands, hotels and checking out our options, the adventure took shape and there it was: we were going to Ios, the plan was in motion.

Naturally, a mastermind business retreat for language professionals also includes practical workshops, acting as a container of creativity and inspiration for us all, business owners.

However, not going to lie, it was also a wonderful way to kick-start the summer and start working on that tan!

We were lucky to have six exquisite participants for this first ever retreat, some experienced translators, some newcomers, and this diverse bunch of professionals made the conversations all the more interesting.

My favourite part? It’s hard to pick. Yet, I will always remember getting business advice while sunbathing, all the laughs we shared, as the tight group of colleagues became good friends, the dance tutorials, the legendary Greek hospitality, the divine food and quite simply, the ability to learn from the best, in such an exceptional setting.

A typical day during the retreat would go like this:

  • Delicious breakfast shared together
  • Business workshop in the morning
  • Beach in the afternoon
  • A relaxed stroll in the Chora in the evening
  • Slowly making our way to a restaurant where we knew we would get a premium experience…
  • Back to the hotel, singing Greek pop songs and settling in for a good night’s sleep

Dreamy, right?

The Workshops for this first Summer Mastermind Business Retreat for Linguists by Vmentoring.

On Days 1 & 2, we were lucky to have Virginia herself present a jam-packed Marketing workshop, with the help of the book Marketing Made Simple, by Donald Miller, to break down all the crucial parts of marketing required for a successful business and to reach our goals. Plus, she gave us a ton of high-quality goodies to take away, two notebooks, phone stands, pens. What a treat! Needless to say, the discussions were enlightening and gave us all a clear roadmap on what to implement.

Virginia Katsimpiri’s Workshops, Day 1 & Day 2

On the second day, Ileana Cari, the renowned Italian translator for luxury brands, gave us an insight on how to approach clients at large trade shows and exhibitions. Basically, how to make the best first impression. She also came in with a ton of printed-out gifts, filled with her personal tips and extensive reading list, so that we can feel confident in these all-important client interactions.

Ileana Cari’s Workshop, Day 3

And on the third day, I had the honour of giving an introduction to “mindfulness meditation for an aligned business”. After completing several meditation programs, and seeing the benefits it had in my personal and professional life, I had to share this incredible resource with my peers. In an interactive workshop, I created a colourful mind map of the benefits of meditation when you own a business. It creates spaciousness, a healthy distance with our emotions, and does wonders to manage anxiety, (usually quite high, as business owners), improves our sleep hygiene, and gives us a bigger sense of purpose.

Luna Jungblut’s Worskhop, Day 3

As freelancers, solopreneurs, or small business owners, it is essential to give space to our imagination.

Indeed, it’s crucial to let ourselves be inspired and to witness the beauty of the world.
It takes us out of our daily routines and expands our horizons.

It allows us to reconnect with our intuition and therefore create a business that looks like us, so that we can attract the right people to us and truly thrive together.

And there you have it. This is what we gained from this first Mastermind Summer retreat for translators, interpreters and other language professionals in the Greek islands.

The next Mastermind Summer Retreat for Translators & Interpreters by is already in the pipeline.
June 2-6, secret Greek location.
We already picked the island, the venue and I already bought my tickets. Will you join us?

If you want to register your interest, just click >>> here <<<

Posted on: 03/07/2024, by :

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