Why would you hire a small translation business over a large company?
Surely, the large company can tackle more subjects, has a larger team and more reviews.
Well, it really depends on what you need.
Of course, both worlds have their flaws and advantages.
Look at it this way.
If you are looking for a regular black jumper, something functional, it’s likely you’ll go to H&M or Zara: you know you’ll find it there.
Other people in the street might be wearing that same jumper, but that’s the deal.
Now, what do you do as you go inside a little designer shop?
You usually check out the front of the shop, the decor, the music they play.
And either it’s a ‘Yay, this is *so* me!’
or a ‘Meh, I’m not sure.’
If it’s a ‘Yay’, the shopkeeper will deal with you directly to make sure you’re over the moon with your purchase.
And you won’t see anyone wearing the same jumper.
It’s your little secret place, now.
It’s the same when hiring language services.
If you want to translate material that is quite generic and that ROI isn’t the priority, go ahead and pick the functional option.
However, if you’ve spent weeks making your exhibition, press release or your creative industry event relevant, would you throw those efforts away to offer a one-size-fits-all version to your French-speaking visitors and readers?
Get in touch with a professional that gets you and treat yourself to a bespoke, personalised, humanised service.